Studies at the home university
The first year of studies, amounting to 60 ECTS, is done at the home university following the rules of the home university's master programme in which the student is enrolled.
Mobility period
The minimum requirement is to get at least 30 ECTS from the host university over a mobility length of one semester. However, the mobility period can last up to one academic year (2 semesters, represented by the "green flow" on the above graph)
Master Thesis
The master thesis assessment must fulfill the requirements of both universities. The master thesis rules and procedures of both universities should apply.
Programme Content
During the mobility period the following courses are offered from the host universities:
Mälardalen University
All courses offered within the Master's programme in Software Engineering and the Master's programme in Intelligent Embedded Systems
Reykjavik University
All courses offered within the Master's programme in Software Engineering and the Master's programme in Computer Science
Åbo Akademi University
All courses offered within the Master's Programme in Information Technology
Program structure
The NISS programme applies a model where students study at a home and host university. The home university is where the student spends the first part of the programme of at least two semesters. The host university is where the student spends the second part of the programme via his/her mobility period of at least 30 ECTS.
The graph bellow illustrates the different available mobility options for students enrolled in the NISS programme: